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About Success Stories

An Appeal

Udhbas runs on supports and donations from like-minded and sympathetic individuals and organizations in India and abroad.

The donations are tax exempted under 80G of Income Tax Act. Udbhas is also registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), and is eligible to accept donations in Foreign Currency.

We solicit your support to further continue our service. The donation may be made either by account payee cheque in the name of Udbhas and send to 95, Nandi Bagan (Sen Garden), Kolkata 700078, India, or through bank transfer, the details of which can be sent further. The payment through bank is preferred.

Get in Touch

9830126672 / 9831042816
95, Nandibagan (Sen Garden),
      Kolkata-700078, India.

Get Involved

Prime focus of Udbhas is to educate underprivileged children who do not have resources. Children here are helped to manifest their potential and to grow as a healthy sensible citizen of our society. More...

Donate to Us

Udhbas runs on supports and donations from likeminded and sympathetic individuals and organizations in India and abroad. The donations are tax exempted. Udhbas is registered under FCRA and is eligible to accept donations in Foreign Currency.
